Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Match: Collectors' Edition

{Every week I post an image of an interior that reminds me of a work of art either in its palette, composition or mood.}
The home of Hollister and Porter Hovey via Design Sponge
William Merritt Chase, The Studio Corner

* The Thanksgiving holiday is over and my neighbors are hanging up their Christmas lights. Every year I make grand plans for decluttering before I start flinging my tinsel. Then I see spaces like the Hovey home, or paintings like the one above and decide that there is something comforting about living amid piles of interesting things.

1 comment:

  1. This is my exact dilemma when it comes to my space too. Do I crave minimal, clean, organized, or English and layered and as you said, piles of stuff? I cannot decide.

    This Monday Match is interesting to me because besides the piles of stuff, there is something else that makes one image recall the other, but I can't put my finger on what. I can only see it when I squint my eyes.


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